Ancestry Chart:
2 and 3 Marriage 19 October 1799 -- Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNKBirth about June 1800 28 32 -- Sønderby, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death 31 July 1871 (Age 71) -- Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
4 and 5 PrivateBirth about May 1772 25 25 -- Ølstoft, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death 3 April 1843 (Age 70) -- Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
2 Father
8 and 9 Religious Marriage 29 December 1745 -- Gudum Sogn, Skodborg Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNKBirth about September 1746 30 26 -- Gudum Sogn, Skodborg Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death before 26 October 1808 (Age 62) -- Øster Søgård, Nørby, Ny Sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
4 Grandfather
- Birth about May 1716 32 32 -- Løgsted Sogn, Slet Herred, Ålborg Amt, DNK
Death 11 July 1774 (Age 58) -- Ny Sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
8 Great-grandfather - Birth about October 1719 34 37 -- Landtind gård, Hanning Sogn, Bølling Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death December 1790 (Age 71) -- Ny Sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
9 Great-grandmother
10 and 11 PrivateBirth about September 1746 41 33 -- Ølstoft, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death 23 December 1820 (Age 74) -- Sønderby, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
5 Grandmother - Birth about 1705
Death about August 1781 (Age 76) -- Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
10 Great-grandfather - Birth about 1713
Death about August 1789 (Age 76)
11 Great-grandmother
6 and 7 Marriage 29 September 1760 -- Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNKBirth about April 1768 43 33 -- Siersbæk, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death 24 December 1850 (Age 82) -- Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
3 Mother
12 and 13Birth about 1725
Death 1801 (Age 76) -- Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
6 Grandfather
14 and 15Birth about 1735
7 Grandmother