Birth | 1800 27 22 Hover sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Christening | 1 January 1801 (Age 12 months) Hover sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Marriage | Laurids Pedersen - [View Family (F1618)]
6 October 1822 (Age 22) Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Birth of a child #1 | 20 December 1822 (Age 22) Kragelund Hede, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Anne Marie Larsdatter (I4099)
Birth of a child #2 | 24 November 1824 (Age 24) Sønderby, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4105)
Death of a child | 11 May 1826 (Age 26) Sønderby, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4105) (Age 17 months)
Burial of a child | 18 May 1826 (Age 26) Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4105) (7 days after death)
Birth of a child #3 | 5 July 1827 (Age 27) Sønderby, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Son: Peder Christian Lauridsen (I4100)
Birth of a child #4 | 23 August 1830 (Age 30) Sønderby, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4101)
Birth of a child #5 | 4 April 1833 (Age 33) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Karen Lauridsdatter (I4088)
Death of a child | 21 April 1833 (Age 33) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Karen Lauridsdatter (I4088) (Age 17 days)
Burial of a child | 28 April 1833 (Age 33) Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Karen Lauridsdatter (I4088) (7 days after death)
Birth of a child #6 | 22 June 1834 (Age 34) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Son: Hans Lauridsen (I4102)
Birth of a child #7 | 29 September 1836 (Age 36) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Karen Lauridsen (I4077)
Birth of a child #8 | 28 August 1840 (Age 40) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Else Lauridsen (I4103)
Death of a child | after 1840 (Age 40) Daughter: Anne Marie Larsdatter (I4099) (Age 17)
Death of a child | 15 August 1841 (Age 41) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Else Lauridsen (I4103) (Age 11 months)
Burial of a child | 19 August 1841 (Age 41) Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Else Lauridsen (I4103) (4 days after death)
Birth of a child #9 | 28 April 1844 (Age 44) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Else Lauridsen (I4104)
Death of a child | after 1845 (Age 45) Son: Peder Christian Lauridsen (I4100) (Age 17)
Death of a child | after 1845 (Age 45) Son: Hans Lauridsen (I4102) (Age 10)
Birth of a grandchild #1 | 19 March 1856 (Age 56) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Grandson: Laurids Brølling (I4107) Father: Anders Krrstian Madsen Brølling (I4106) (Age 32) Mother: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4101) (Age 25) [View Family (F1623)]
Death of a grandchild | 24 March 1856 (Age 56) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Grandson: Laurids Brølling (I4107) (Age 5 days)
Marriage of a child | 22 May 1857 (Age 57) Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Daughter: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4101) Son-in-law: Anders Krrstian Madsen Brølling (I4106) [View Family (F1623)]
Birth of a grandchild #2 | 13 June 1857 (Age 57) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Granddaughter: Marie Kirstine Brølling (I4108) Father: Anders Krrstian Madsen Brølling (I4106) (Age 33) Mother: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4101) (Age 26) [View Family (F1623)]
Birth of a grandchild #3 | 21 September 1858 (Age 58) Heager, Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Grandson: Laurids Brølling (I4109) Father: Anders Krrstian Madsen Brølling (I4106) (Age 35) Mother: Petrine Lauridsdatter (I4101) (Age 28) [View Family (F1623)]
Residence | Hee sogn, Hind Herred, Ringkøbing Amt, DNK
Death | after 1860 (Age 60)
Death of a child | after 1860 (on the date of death) Daughter: Else Lauridsen (I4104) (Age 15)